August 27, 2024

Book Blitz ~ The Kingdom Of Shadows & Wolves by Martha Sweeney

The Kingdom of Shadows and Wolves
Martha Sweeney
(Stardust & Shadows, #1)
Publication date: August 27th 2024
Genres: Adult, Fantasy, Romance

Being raised by the viper who slaughtered my family, along with being beaten and berated by him for merely existing, takes a toll on my heart and soul. Uncle bears the crown, has changed the name of our kingdom Soare to Krigare, and desires more destruction throughout the Fae lands. While plotting his quest to rule all, I’m bartered to forge a union with Cysgod, a formidable ally and one who could ensure Uncle’s victory. King Caelum of Cysgod has a reputation that precedes him, defining him as a tyrant as well. He killed his father for the crown and is known to be just a ruthless and bloodthirsty as Uncle.

Just when I thought the Gods had forsaken me, as they did the Enkeli and Conroicht, my life turns upside down. While I fear my new king, he and his people see me as their queen. Though he does not punish me, I expect it nonetheless and flinch at his touch.

I may be rid of Uncle, but I doubt his hold on me is truly released. Does he plan to capture Cysgod from the inside, using me as his weapon, giving him the army he needs to take and conquer any kingdom? Is there a way to stop Uncle and seek revenge for the death of my kin?

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Your name does not fit you, my soon-to-be King,” I state. “Your father surely didn’t expect his son who is named of the heavens, where our beloved Gods reside, to take his crown by force. Did you go rabid like the Conroicht? Perhaps he should have named you—”

His grip tightens around my fingers and I’m forced to stop speaking and walking when he does. I dare not look at him, knowing I have spoken out of turn.

There isn’t a sound other than his controlled breath in and out of his nostrils.

“I have heard the rumors, King Caelum.” My stare pierces the floor. “I know a wolf in a sheep’s hide even if that wolf is a kingdom away.”

“One would almost say the same of your beloved Uncle,” he jabs.

I snicker. “Beloved is a word that has never been used to describe him.”

A hand wraps around my throat and I’m pushed against the stone wall. “You know little of me, Princess Aurora. Mind your words or I will seek pleasure in punishing you.”

My chin raises. “You know little of me.”

King Caelum’s attention lowers from my face. My dagger, which was hidden against my thigh, is pressed against the bottom of his leather chest guard. A low chuckle reverberates from him.

“With the tip of my hand like so,” I state, lowering my wrist an inch. “I merely need to press up and I will wound you greatly.”

“Princess Aurora,” Kion chides, stepping closer.

King Caelum growls at the guard who backs down a second later. “I know more about you, my soon-to-be Queen of Cysgod than you realize.”

“Not enough to know that I was armed and—”

He snarls like the wolf he is which cuts me off. “Three punishments so far, Princess Aurora. The odds gain in my favor.”

“Three?” I scoff.

The fire in his eyes intensifies. “First, for calling me a coward. Second, for calling me a wolf. And now, the attempt on my life.”

“Your life?” I balk. “You and your guards outnumber me. If you wanted, I would be dead and my blade wouldn’t be where it is.”

“Precisely.” His grip tightens around my neck, his thumb pressing into the bottom of my chin. “You pose no threat to me.”

“That is what Uncle would wish you to believe,” I inform. “Who was kneeling to whom earlier today? Not one Krigare guard rose when either of us stood, not that they have ever risen for me other than to escort me somewhere.” A yelp rushes out of me when my weapon-wielding hand is pinned against the wall. My gaze darts to its proximity and I swallow the lump in my throat when I realize its tip is a mere inch from my eye.

A devious smirk tugs at his lips as King Caelum chuckles deeply. “I’ll very much enjoy the punishments you will receive from me when we are afforded the time.”

Indignantly, I reply, “I’m certain it won’t be worse than what Uncle has done to me.”

King Caelum releases me, returning my dagger to the inside of my left thigh. I’m speechless as his fingers graze my skin and linger longer than needed. Should he lift his fingers barely an inch, he will touch a place no Fae male has ever touched. “We shall see, Princess Aurora.”

Martha Sweeney is a BESTSELLING author who writes in a variety of genres: romance (contemporary, romcom, suspense, paranormal and historical), suspense, fantasy, thriller, coloring books, and soon, science fiction. She strives to push herself as a storyteller with each new tale and hopes to push her readers outside of their comfort zone whether it be genre or the stories themselves.

With a B.S. in Psychology, Martha utilizes her knowledge of human and animal behavior successfully in the business world and in her writing to present realistic characters and situations. She's been creative since she was little, always drawing, coloring or making crafts, so her venture into being an author was a natural transition.

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