October 09, 2024

Southern Discomfort by Ashley Farley

Publish Date : August 6, 2024
Publisher : AHF Publishing
Author : Ashley Farley
Title : Southern Discomfort
Series : Sandy Island / Book 1
Genre : Fiction / Southern / Women's
Rating : 5 Star

Where To Find The Book

About The Book

Isabelle is haunted by remorse over a past mistake that drastically changed the lives of those closest to her. Apologizing would be a step in the right direction—if only she could muster the courage to say, "I'm sorry." Her world is turned upside down when her late husband's will stipulates that she transform their waterfront estate into a bed and breakfast. As the summer's first guests are due to arrive, Isabelle feels increasingly overwhelmed. Unexpected help arrives in the form of her twenty-four-year-old granddaughter.

Shelby, fresh out of college with no job and too much time spent obsessing over her ex-boyfriend, is sent to the Lowcountry by her exasperated parents. As personalities clash, Isabelle and Shelby discover they are more alike than they realize. Can they set aside their differences to manage the challenges that arrive with their first wave of guests?

The Review

I do believe that every time that I read a book by Ashley Farley, I fall even more in love with the Lowcountry! This story is nothing more than what you come to expect from Ashley, it's filled with drama, laughter but most importantly, watching a family deal with real life issues that most anyone can relate to. I don't want to give too much away about this book but it will leave you wanting more of what is to come for this family that is less than perfect. I think I can speak for most everyone that reads this book is that fact that we all need a Blossom in our life, y'all just need to read it to understand what I mean by that!

Thank You to Ashley Farley for writing an outstanding first book in a series that I know I will go back and reread often!

I voluntarily reviewed this copy of this book from my Personal Library!

October 08, 2024

Book Blitz ~ Enduring Promise by Susanna Lane

Enduring Promise
Susanna Lane
Publication date: October 8th 2024
Genres: Adult, Historical

Can Love Survive the Trials of Fidelity?

After a failed romance in Texas, Bryce Enders has carved out a new life in the harsh wastes of Montana’s gold fields. But when a newspaper headline reveals the wild escapades of his younger brother, Bryce’s path takes an unexpected turn. He heads for Ogallala, Nebraska, where he’s shocked to find Cort not only married, but thriving as the owner of a sprawling cattle ranch.

While their reunion is far from smooth, the brothers quickly rediscover their old affection for one another and Cort offers Bryce a job on the ranch. As he settles into his new life, though, Bryce becomes entangled in a new set of troubles-this time of the heart. His growing affection for Hannah May, a neighbor struggling to keep her ranch afloat, soon becomes impossible to ignore. But there’s a catch. She’s already married to a brute who abandoned her for the lure of gold. Torn between his sense of honor and his undeniable feelings for Hannah, Bryce faces a dilemma as old as time.

Hannah, too, is trapped between her steadfast Christian values and the harsh reality of her situation. Despite her husband’s cruelty, her sacred vows keep her tethered to a man who may well be dead. Yet, Bryce’s determination to free her only deepens the conflict, as a dark secret from his past emerges to haunt him.

Knowing their futures depend on resolving this standoff, Bryce and Cort embark on a perilous journey back to the gold fields. What they find will test their brotherhood, challenge their resolve, and ignite a conflict with Hannah’s husband neither could foresee.

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The Civil War separated them. Time changed them. One newspaper article brings the Enders full circle… but not without the spiral of fate.

This historical western romance, part of a series, delves into the strength of those willing to reach beyond the impossible to survive the rugged land. Where the Nebraska sky touches the grassland and where the gold camps harbor danger… the adventure and romance merges in Enduring Promise.

Cascading events drive Hannah May Van Stadt to question her steadfast convictions and loyalty to a brutal man who’d abandoned her for the gold fields, leaving her to hold onto his derelict ranch. Even at the cost of his life, Bryce Enders’ growing love for this intrepid woman, drives him to make a fateful decision. Confronting the man who stands between them turns out to be far more dangerous than he could have imagined.

Filled with action, heartbreak, and danger while brimming with memorable characters, the story promises to linger in the reader’s thoughts long after the book is closed. The following is an excerpt of the contradiction between the two main characters as they struggle against an untenable attraction.

For a moment, she thought he wasn’t going to speak at all. As she was about to leave him to his work, he said, “Won’t take long to fix the fence.” Yanking on his gloves, he loosened the hammer from the tool bag slung over the packhorse. “Didn’t bring a wagon. Wasn’t sure if it might bog down in the river.”

While she watched, he ignored her. “Thanks,” she managed to murmur. He’d taken a snappish tone, and she was at a loss for anything else to say. He sure didn’t seem happy to be here.

“Be out of here by the afternoon. If you got something to do, you don’t have to stay here.” After that quick glance over his shoulder, he returned to the posts.  He jutted his chin toward her waiting horse. “Best get to it.”

“I raked up the mess those cows left behind yesterday. Figured it was time to look for unbranded strays. I have a corral down by the creek where I chase them.”

“That’s man’s work,” he said while he loosened the cinches on his saddle, still avoiding looking in her direction. When he finally turned to face her, his eyes raked her from head to boots before returning to his work. Yesterday his eyes had stayed on hers. Today, there was censure and disdain. Of all the conceit. Seething, she lifted her chin while her mind searched for a response.

“Man’s work? I’ve got no man to do the work. How else would it get done?”

“After you round up these cattle and chase them to that corral, just how do you plan to brand them? Besides that. Those penned cows need hay,” he called out. “Need to get them to water or they’ll bust down the corral. Why not sell out? Your husband might not ever be back, Missus Van Stadt. Or do you plan to do this forever?”

Susanna Lane's "Imperfect Promise" delivers a powerful story of redemption, grit, and pure luck as the two primary characters overcome the twists of fate, carving out new lives and leaving an imprint on Nebraska. The author grew up in southern New Jersey and now lives with her husband in rural Delaware. Spellbound at her first glimpse of the Rocky Mountains, she and her husband made them their destination at every opportunity. Cattle drives, hiking, and exploring ghost towns offered her a glimpse of the frontier experience. Her imagination took root as she outlined the stories of survival with every curve of the road. And if you happen upon Susanna bending over a nineteenth century wood cook stove, she's most likely fitting it into her next story. Her two sons and their families are her gems and her delight. As to her readers . . . she looks forward to hearing from you.

Winner of the 2022 Western Writers of America Spur Award for Best Historical Romance Novel and is now the Will Rogers Silver Medallion Award Winner 2022 for Historical Romance.

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a Rafflecopter giveaway

October 07, 2024

Blog Tour ~ Valor Wings by Sam Subity

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the VALOR WINGS by Sam Subity Blog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!


About The Book:


Author: Sam Subity

Pub. Date: September 17, 2024

Publisher: Scholastic Press

Formats:  Hardcover, eBook

Pages: 288

Find it: Goodreadshttps://books2read.com/VALOR-WINGS

A thrilling WWII adventure that reimagines the evacuation of Dunkirk... with dragons!

May 10, 1940

Everyone in Iris's small English village avoids the dragon in the woods. Everyone, that is, except for Iris. She knows Galahad would never hurt her--she's been caring for the dragon since he lost his mother when he was a baby. When Galahad is accused of stealing military rations, Iris strikes a bargain that will spare Galahad's life... but send him off to the war brewing in Europe. Soon after, she receives news that her brother is among the troops trapped in France by the advancing German troops. Refusing to give up hope, Iris devises a desperate plan that will either save both her brother and her best friend--or end in disaster.

Meanwhile in Belgium, Max's school day is abruptly interrupted by some terrifying news: The Germans have invaded his country. He and his grandmother are forced to flee for their lives west toward France where they hope to find safety. But when they are separated after a German attack, Max must continue the treacherous journey on his own.

Across hundreds of miles, the stories of Iris and Max steadily converge toward an explosive conclusion that will change them both forever. Along the way, they each must find the inner strength and resolve--the valor--to do the impossible. Author Sam Subity blends history and fantasy to tell a story like no other--an exhilarating adventure about the power of friendship, hope, and courage.






England, May 1940 

Each day Iris woke before dawn to milk the cows, feed the chick ens, and leave breakfast for the dragon. A half dozen fresh eggs— or  sometimes a couple more if she thought they wouldn’t be missed—  placed on a tree stump near the edge of the forest. Iris liked to save  this task for last so that she could lie in the tall grass and watch.  Because oh, what a thrill it was to watch! 

The dark wood bordering her family’s farm would fall silent  as if the whole world had frozen in hushed anticipation. Even the  fog that silently crept in each night from the sea appeared to cease  curling lazily through the trees. 

Today was no different. Iris held her breath, not wanting to  break the spell. 

Everything watching. Waiting. 

Something stirred in the grass nearby. As Iris turned toward  the noise, a huge form loomed out of the grass and barreled into her  from the other direction. Iris tumbled over and found her shoulders pinned to the ground. A pair of large golden eyes stared down  at her. 

The eyes of a dragon.

Iris exploded in a fit of laughter. “Galahad! Get off me, you  big brute!” 

The dragon snorted puffs of smoke in a harrumph of protest. Iris wrinkled her nose and waved her hand in front of her  face. “Ugh, what in the world did you eat for breakfast?” The dragon made a small rumble in the back of his throat. “Fine. You’re a glorious creature of unmatched beauty and  odor,” she deadpanned. “Now get off me.” 

Satisfied, Galahad shifted his horse- sized bulk. Iris got to her  feet and brushed herself off. The dragon curled his body around  hers and gently nudged her toward the stump, gesturing with his  snout at the eggs. 

“Oh,” Iris said, “you want me to eat them?” She lifted her nose  snootily in the air. “Well, sir, ladies prefer our eggs cooked.” Galahad spat a small fireball. The eggs instantly burst into flame. “Galahad!” she chided playfully, and hurried to put out the  flames. Shaking her head, she stared down skeptically at the charred  lumps. “A little too well done for my taste, I’m afraid.” Then, becoming more serious, she stepped toward the dragon.  “What would you think about another flying lesson today?”  Galahad started to turn his head away, but Iris gently reached out  and guided his snout back so that their eyes met. “You can do it.  I’m sure of it. You’re only . . . a little afraid. I know. I am too.” She suspected that Galahad’s fear largely stemmed from being  orphaned at an early age and having no older dragons to teach him  dragonish things. His body already bore a few bumps and bruises  from his previous unsuccessful attempts at flight. 

But Iris refused to give up. As Galahad had grown older, she’d observed him watching other creatures with wistful interest.  Ducks flocking together. A herd of sheep grazing in quiet community. She sensed that he longed to be among his own kind. Which  was why she continued to gently persist in their lessons. She realized she was a poor substitute for another dragon to teach him. But that was just the problem. There were no other dragons. For centuries, a herd of dragons had lived in the forest near  her village. However, conflicts with humans had forced them to  gradually depart for the wilds somewhere far to the north. By the  time Iris had been born nearly fourteen years ago, all the dragons  were gone. All except for Galahad. Iris believed that teaching him  to fly was the key to his following the dragons one day and reuniting with his herd. 

The creaking of an approaching wagon pulled her out of her  thoughts. 

“Galahad, quickly!” she said. By the time she turned around,  the dragon had already disappeared into the forest with barely a  rustle of leaves. 

“Ah, there you are!” 

Iris’s shoulders relaxed. It was only her older brother, Jamie.  He and her father were probably the only ones who didn’t think  she was crazy for befriending a dragon. Most everyone in their village had enthusiastically bid good riddance to the dragon herd. As  well as blaming dragons for the occasional goat or sheep that went  missing, dragons were widely considered to harbor disease, and  worse, foul magic. 

Iris had her doubts about the former, but she knew the latter  to be utter nonsense.

The rising sun framed her brother’s strong form as he  approached in a rickety hay wagon pulled by their mare, Juniper.  The horse neighed warily as they drew near, scenting the dragon. 

“Easy, girl,” Iris said, running a hand along the horse’s neck. “Been playing with your dragon again?” Jamie asked. He  looked her over closely as if expecting to find her missing a limb. “He’s not my dragon,” Iris protested. “Galahad belongs to no  one but himself. And besides, he’s perfectly harmless.” “Well, in case it’s escaped your attention, your once- little  hatchling is now a beast as big as a horse. With sharp claws as long  as a man’s fingers. Oh, and he breathes fire. So forgive me for—” “Your extreme pigheadedness?” Iris knew her brother adored  her, but even so she felt it to be her sisterly obligation to point out  his lack of reason where her safety was concerned. 

Jamie cocked an eyebrow at her. “If you’re done pouting,  Dad’s asked me to go down to the village to pick up a few things.  Thought you might want to join me.” 

Iris’s face lit up. “Oh, can I?” She scrambled onto the wagon,  letting her feet dangle off the back. The village was one of her  favorite places, with all its little shops and wonderful smells. It all  held precious memories of her mother and the hours Iris had spent  exploring its delights with her. It was almost as if her mother’s  gentle spirit still wandered those cobbled streets. 

Soon they were winding down a lane lined with trees blooming in the late spring. After a long gray winter, the whole world  seemed to burst with hope in greens and pinks. So it felt strangely  out of place when a regiment of British soldiers marched by in their  plain brown uniforms.

Her heart squeezed with worry when she noticed Jamie’s head  turn to watch the troops. “Remember, you promised me you’d stay  to help with the farm,” she reminded him. 

“I remember,” he said, nodding slowly. “It’s only, I can’t help  but feel that I have a duty to help our country too.” Something in her brother’s voice made Iris’s heart pinch, but  her thoughts were soon interrupted by the clack of their wagon’s  wheels on the cobblestoned lanes as they entered the village. The  tightly clustered shops and buildings with their shaggy thatched  roofs always reminded her of squat old men sitting shoulder to  shoulder. Eventually, they neared the central square and came to a  stop. Iris hopped down from her perch and turned in a slow circle,  trying to decide where to go first. 

She felt her brother’s hand on her shoulder. “Try not to cause  too much trouble this time?” 

“I’m sure I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 

“Oh, so you’re already forgetting what everyone called the  Great Pig Parade last spring?” 

“Those pigs were being treated unfairly.” 

“It’s a butcher’s shop. That’s . . . kind of the way it works.” He  turned and strode toward the feed store on the corner, calling over  his shoulder. “Maybe try avoiding the butcher’s this time? And  meet me back here in an hour?” 

Iris nodded, then quickly crossed the street, already enraptured by the smells wafting toward her from the bakery. She stared  into the window at the rows of warm bread and sweet rolls. The  shelves weren’t even half-full. It was a sight that had become all too  familiar with the war rationing.

She continued down the street, ignoring the “dragon girl” a  few villagers muttered under their breath as she passed. At last  Iris arrived at her favorite store: Pickwick’s Fine Books. When  she stepped inside, the store’s owner, Mrs. Pickwick, turned from  where she was shelving a book and smiled. 

“Hello there, Miss Iris!” she said cheerfully. 

“Hello, Mrs. Pickwick!” Iris replied, relieved to find a friendly  face at last. She paused and breathed in the aroma of old books.  The small store was stuffed practically floor to ceiling with them.  Her skin tingled with excitement as she thought of the adventures  waiting within their pages. 

“I just happened to receive a new shipment this morning,” said  the bookseller, pointing to the box she had been in the process of  shelving. “You’re welcome to take a look if you like.” 

“Oh, if you don’t mind?” Iris said, crossing toward the box. “Not at all. In fact, I imagine the water is nearly ready for my  tea. Would you like some?” 

“Yes, thank you,” Iris mumbled, already lost in studying the  spines. She caught the word Dragons on one and quickly slipped it  out of the pile. Opening it, she saw that it was a children’s book.  Page after page was filled with illustrations of dragons soaring  through the air, carrying riders on amazing quests far away. Maybe,  she thought, if I showed Galahad some pictures of dragons flying— 

Suddenly, a loud clanging noise broke the morning quiet. Iris  jerked her head up in surprise. She recognized the sound. It was  the church bell by the village square. But it shouldn’t be ringing at  this time.

Something was wrong. 

Racing out the bookstore’s front door, she could clearly hear  another noise mingling with the gonging bell: a dragon’s scream. A flame of fear ignited in Iris’s chest. 

Galahad was in trouble.


About Sam Subity:

Sam Subity loves writing stories that explore the magic and wonder of being a kid and is thrilled to share his debut novel with readers everywhere -- both the young in age and the young at heart. When he's not writing, you might find him running the trails of Northern California, where the endless, winding miles past fog and ocean inspire stories of adventure and mystery. Or he might be mowing his lawn. Because that's what adults sometimes have to do. But in either case, he's very likely imagining himself fighting mythical creatures or at the prow of a Viking dragon ship, feeling the wind and sea spray on his face. His greatest hope is that in reading this book, you too were in some small way transported to another place where for a little while you could exchange the ordinary for the extraordinary.

Sign up for Sam’s newsletter!

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Giveaway Details:

1 winner will receive a finished copy of VALOR WINGS, US Only.

Ends October 31st, midnight EST.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tour Schedule:

Week One:


Two Chicks on Books

Excerpt/IG Post


Daily Waffle



Fire and Ice Reads

Excerpt/IG Post


Book Review Virginia Lee Blog

Excerpt/IG Post



IG Post

Week Two:


TX Girl Reads

Excerpt/IG Post


Sudeshna Loves Reading




IG Review



IG Review


Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer

Review/IG Post


Edith's Little Free Library

IG Post/TikTok Post

Week Three:



IG Post



IG Review



IG Review/TikTok Post



Review/IG Post


Country Mamas With Kids

Review/IG Post


A Blue Box Full of Books

IG Review/LFL Drop Pic/TikTok Post

Week Four:



IG Review


Kim's Book Reviews and Writing Aha's

Review/IG Post


Deal sharing aunt

Review/IG Post


Locks, Hooks and Books



The Momma Spot


Blog Tour ~ The Magical Journey Of John and Adele by Ancius M. Murray

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the THE MAGICAL JOURNEY OF JOHN AND ADELE by Ancius M. Murray Blog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!


About The Book:


Author: Ancius M. Murray

Pub. Date: January 28, 2024

Publisher: Troubador Publishing

Formats:  Hardcover, Paperback, eBook

Pages: 280

Find it: Goodreadshttps://books2read.com/THE-MAGICAL-JOURNEY-OF-JOHN-AND-ADELE

John and Adele have been together for over two decades and have a son. Their relationship has been on a downhill trajectory for many years.

One evening, en route to their annual holiday destination, they run out of fuel in a remote location. To whom can they go for assistance? Suddenly, in the darkness, their lives take an unexpected turn. They meet three mysterious but benevolent strangers who offer to help them. In observing Adele and John, they pose to the couple an unusual challenge that seeks to address the core problems in their marriage. John and Adele find the proposal odd but intriguing. While it may have advantages, it could be risky and dangerous. But unresolved emotions and unhealed wounds, as well as long-buried memories can also have hazardous and unpredictable consequences. Will they dare to accept this challenge or not?

This unique novel, while aimed at taking a fresh perspective on relationships, is uplifting, relaxing, and is meant to be enjoyed.


The story of Ancius M. Murray 

– An Irish-Lithuanian trio using collaborative storytelling to provide a  toolkit for improving relationships


Marija and Mary Catherine were nominated by the Lithuanian and Irish governments to  attend the prestigious French Government School to study public administration in  Paris. At the same time Darius was working on his doctoral thesis in the Commission for  Atomic Energy there. They came together at an international reception and a strong  connection was formed. Each of them had an interest in cultural exchange outside of  their work and this cemented their friendship.


When they had finished their studies, they returned home but still stayed in regular  contact. They had a strong desire to work on an interesting artistic project as a team,  again outside of their professions. Twelve years later, inspiration struck. They hit on the  idea of writing a novel together. They would write a story about an ordinary couple  deciding to address once and for all the very serious problems in their relationship. 

Everyone has observed couples who are no longer happy in each other’s company.  Many separate without realizing the potential of their relationship and are quite often  left feeling very sad or bitter. The writers were sensitive to this and felt they had  something to say on the subject. 

But at the same time the three writers wanted the story to be soothing and pleasant,  where the characters’ only stress was confronting their own relationship. The dream-like  context of the novel supports them in this goal, but the readers have no idea if the  couple will stay together. 


The next step was embarking on the practical aspects of this writing project. Linguistic  considerations were to the forefront. The authors used French as their working language  in speaking to each other on Zoom since the friendship between them had been  established in that language, and then wrote in English. Editing and developing a  recognisable and relaxing literary style was their challenge.

All three wrote simultaneously in diOerent countries with a general theme decided on in  advance. The writing was done on weekends and evenings after work. Sometimes they  travelled to each other’s countries to bring the chapters together and read to each  other. They analysed everything together line by line to be sure it represented the ideas  they wanted to communicate to the reader.

Darius was the designer of the novel’s setting and gave direction on chapter content. He  was also responsible for the computer work and all the technical details concerning the  manuscript.

Marija’s expertise with legal texts assisted greatly in avoiding repetition and in creating a  smooth, believable narrative. Making sure that character motivation was clear and  logical as well as in line with toolkit guidance being provided was her domain.

Mary Catherine provided the descriptions of nature and the scents and sounds  perceived by the characters. She created the emotional atmosphere for the different  scenarios in the story and reviewed the literary style evolving within the text. 

This work has lasted four years.

It was definitely not an easy task. They experienced writers’ block, as well as obstacles  in the story route. Sometimes they found it difficult to find a way through for the  characters to the novel’s conclusion that was meeting everyone’s expectations.

Then, after a break in the work and coming back to it with a fresh perspective, one of the  three writers would suggest a new direction that would resonate with the other two. That  was when they felt the magic of combining their contributions and moving forward, as  any single author would who pens a story and has no doubt of its value, direction, and  purpose.

Some chapters of this book were written individually by each author. After reviewing  them together, they were incorporated into the main story. Other chapters written as a  group were knitting sentences word by word into the tapestry that is now their novel,  'The Magical Journey of John and Adele’, a mixture of mystery, fable, and relationship  guide.



In the Dark 

The beams of two headlights crossed the darkening sky which  hung over the motorway. An old silver hatchback streamed  through the hills rising towards the mountains, and through  sparse woods. The traffic emerging from the city had been left  behind hours before, and occasional passing cars were the sole  sign of human civilization in this remote countryside. 

Two passengers in their late forties, a man and a woman,  

were travelling in the car. Their boredom and the silence  between them seemed to be in tune with the monotonous sound  of the raindrops that were beginning to fall from the grey sky  and onto the windscreen. A brochure on the back seat, depicting  a luxurious spa nestled in a sunny mountain valley, seemed in  sharp contrast to the dull and dreary atmosphere inside the car. 

“John, there should be a filling station in a mile or so,”  

said the woman. “Are you sure we’ve enough fuel to get to our  destination?” 

“Don’t worry, Adele,” the man replied automatically, obviously lost in thought. Then, looking at her, he said  mockingly, “Why don’t you just tell me the truth? You want to  stop to buy some useless trinket, like a fridge magnet for your  endless collection, or one more coffee mug that says, ‘I love  Paris’. You want to do that, don’t you?” He smiled sarcastically. 

Adele did not want to venture further into territory that would lead to an unpleasant argument. She turned her head to  the window. 

Ten miles later, John took an exit heading to the mountain  

road. “Look, there we are. Only fifty miles before we reach the  paradise promised in your precious brochure,” he announced in  a bored tone. 

They continued to drive, observing the still, melancholic  

landscape. The disappearing light as the sun set made it seem  even sadder and more forlorn. 

Adele leaned towards John and looked at the dashboard.  

“Hold on, doesn’t this small yellow light mean that we’ll run out  of fuel soon?” she asked. 

“Don’t worry,” John said once again, firmly this time. But he  

was unable to hide the anxiety in his voice. 

The steep and winding road seemed to be intent on  

exhausting the worn-out car and its nearly empty petrol tank. A  second light, this one red, lit up on the panel. 

“Damned car!” yelled John. “This old engine burns petrol  

like a monster!” 

“John, I told you we should have filled the tank at the last  

station we passed! Why is it always like this? Can’t you deal with  a simple problem? You fill the tank; you drive the car!” Adele  crossed her arms and fixed her angry gaze on the road. 

“This so-called ‘simple problem’ could have been solved  

if you hadn’t dragged your feet over buying a new, more fuel efficient car, and despite us getting several very good offers, you  didn’t want to sell this thing!” John cut in, unwilling to admit his  negligence in not planning ahead for petrol. 

He accelerated, determined to continue the journey to its end. But the end came more quickly than he had planned: it  came at the next corner. The car spluttered several times before  John managed to pull it into a small area off the road. Then it  stopped still. They had run out of fuel. 



About Ancius M. Murray:

Ancius M. Murray is a collective pen name for an Irish-Lithuanian team (a physicist, a lawyer, a creative writer) who met by chance, and collaborated on this novel over the course of four years.

Sign up for Ancius’s newsletter! Scroll to the bottom of the page.

Website | Instagram | YouTube | Goodreads


Giveaway Details:

1 winner will receive a $10 Amazon Gift Card courtesy of Rockstar Book Tours, International.

Ends October 15th, midnight EST.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tour Schedule:

Week One:


The Momma Spot



Daily Waffle



Fire and Ice Reads

Excerpt/IG Post


Lady Hawkeye

Excerpt/IG Post



IG Post


Edith's Little Free Library

IG Post/TikTok Post


Book Review Virginia Lee Blog

Excerpt/IG Post

Week Two:


TX Girl Reads

Excerpt/IG Post


Sudeshna Loves Reading



Two Chicks on Books

Excerpt/IG Post


Rajiv's reviews

Review/IG Post


Deal sharing aunt

Review/IG Post


Kim's Book Reviews and Writing Aha's

Review/IG Post



Review/IG Post


Brandi Danielle Davis

IG Review/TikTok Post



IG Review



IG Review